Starbucks Menu

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  • Kayla B.

    Sure, Starbucks isn't exactly known for exception coffee. I get that. However, when I visit a coffee place and spend X amount of $ on my beverage, especially at Starbucks, I expect a few things: 1) The beverage will come out in a timely-ish manner 2) The beverage will taste satisfactory 3) I will receive good customer service 4) I should get my money's worth This Starbucks, without exception, fails 3/4 of my expectations. Multiple times I have visited and they've taken other's drink orders before mine, even though I'm next in line. Multiple times the barista has been training someone else, which is fine, but 15 minutes (I timed them) for a tea latte is redonk. Overall, the taste of their beverages is on-par with any other Starbucks, but the service is out of this world horrendous!! It's one of those things where I always leave, thinking "Did that really just happen???". Yes, yes it did. I want so badly to like this Starbucks. They fuel me through Macy's shopping sprees, for goodness sakes. Maybe someday, when they don't move at a snail's pace, they'll redeem themselves. One can only hope.


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  • Accepts Credit Cards : Yes
    Bike Parking : Yes
    Outdoor Seating : Yes
    Wi-Fi : Free


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